Many women, spouse and girl friends wonder. In fact, it was not that sudden at all. I recalled reading the topic somewhere in a forum. A girlfriend, posted to the forum that her boyfriend goes for prostitution behind her back and she was confused and in turn seeking opinions of men why did men, particularly her boyfriend, go for prostitution. While the general forum members poked funs at her, it got me thinking too! If I were to seek prostitutes, why would I do it?
Well.. it’s a thrill. Speaking from my own conscious, it’s a THRILL! See, I always think that the most exciting part in seeking prostitutes is when you are about to come face to face with the girl prostitute, i.e. the meeting up process. It is the when and how to meet. Who is the girl, how would she looks like, the body, the assets of the girl, where we would be doing it, what is her place like. It is the curiosity of the male seeker that got us men thrilled! Once these questions are answered after seeing the girl and place, it’s down to the banging job. And believe me, it’s just another banging job, per se. But the excitement of NOT knowing who we would be banging in the next 30 odd minutes is the THRILL of we men seek… I think. I reckon this CURIOSITY lust could the main reason men seek illicit affairs, and seek out uncharted territories, and in this case, the wonderlands of female bodies.
There are other reasons and factors for men to seek prostitution or illicit affairs, ranging from family issues to work issues and stress, you name it, but I do think men generally want to seek and exchange sexual relations with multiple partners to quench their lusts and with no strings attached. So, prostitution may just provide that answer to men. Can’t they just go jerk it off or go watch some porns? Well, we can, but the THRILL just isn’t there.
This blog entry is by no means purported to offend or discriminate anyone, particularly female readers/visitors or the oldest profession in the world, it is just my two cents thought after reading that post from the Girlfriend.