I am a first time indie author musing and writing about life and happenings in my own small taboo universe. I am in the midst of completing my first so called masterpiece in the contemporary erotica genre, concocted from my naughty yet hilarious imaginations.
Why erotica if you must asked?
Besides entertaining, I believe erotic romance or story serves more than it suggest. It actually tells you about your sexuality, your inner feelings and your yearns and carvings. It somehow empowers you to talk, discuss, to search for yourself in a relationship, my thought. And since erotica is a taboo thingy in many parts of the world, especially mine, I take it as my personal mission to step away from the censure and criticism that most did not. I am such a rebel thinker in a society of traditional Chinese. Or...may I just enjoy sex like most people do, and decided to write on it, crafting and plotting them into a published book. Or maybe, just maybe, it happens that sex sells! So, my journey begins.
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